%0 Computer Program
%A Ni, Ying-Chuan
%D 2022
%T Source code for the MSc thesis: Multi-leader Adaptive Cruise Control Systems considering Sensor Measurement Uncertainties based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/software/Source_code_for_the_MSc_thesis_Multi-leader_Adaptive_Cruise_Control_Systems_considering_Sensor_Measurement_Uncertainties_based_on_Deep_Reinforcement_Learning/20436090/1
%R 10.4121/20436090.v1
%K adaptive cruise control
%K multi-anticipation
%K string stability
%K deep reinforcement learning
%K measurement uncertainties
%K ride comfort
%K Kalman filter
%X <p>This repository contains programming codes for the training and simulation of Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Adaptive Cruise Control systems.</p>
<p>For more information, please see the README.txt file in the repository or the report of master thesis titled "Multi-leader Adaptive Cruise Control Systems considering Sensor Measurement Uncertainties based on Deep Reinforcement Learning", which can be found in the reference (link).</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData