%0 Computer Program %A Şakar, Ömer %A Safari, Mohsen %A Huisman, Marieke %A Wijs, Anton %D 2021 %T Artifact for paper (Alpinist: an Annotation-Aware GPU Program Optimizer) %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/software/Artifact_for_paper_Alpinist_an_Annotation-Aware_GPU_Program_Optimizer_/16938556/2 %R 10.4121/16938556.v2 %K GPU %K Optimization %K Deductive verification %K Annotation-aware %K Program transformation %X Artifact for paper (Alpinist: an Annotation-Aware GPU Program Optimizer) submitted to TACAS '22 conference. For a full description on how to use the artifact, please see the README.txt file. The artifact contains the Alpinist tool, all its dependencies and documentation for the VerCors tool.<br><br>Abstract of the paper:<br>GPU programs are widely used in industry. To obtain the best performance, a typical development process involves the manual or semi-automatic application of optimizations prior to compiling the code. To avoid the introduction of errors, we can augment GPU programs with (pre- and postcondition-style) annotations to capture functional properties. However, keeping these annotations correct when optimizing GPU programs is labor-intensive and error-prone.<br>This paper introduces Alpinist, an annotation-aware GPU program optimizer. It applies frequently-used GPU optimizations, but besides transforming code, it also transforms the annotations. We evaluate Alpinist, in combination with the VerCors program verifier, to automatically optimize a collection of verified programs and reverify them. %I 4TU.ResearchData