%0 Generic
%A Rahman, Zaid 
%A Deep Bordoloi, Ankur 
%A Rouhana, Haifa
%A van der Zon, Gerard
%A Tavasso, Margherita
%A Garbin, Valeria
%A ten Dijke , Peter
%A Boukany, Pouyan
%D 2024
%T Data underlying the publication: Interstitial flow potentiates TGF-β/Smad-signaling in lung cancer spheroids in a 3D-microfluidic chip
%R 10.4121/971b58bd-3da6-42fc-bc6f-6b5cc978db31.v1
%K microfluidics
%K interstitial flow
%K tumor microenvironment
%K hydrogel
%K lung cancer
%K Smad signaling
%K vimentin
%K TGF-β
%X <p>The research objective is to determine the influence of varying interstitial flow and TGF-β concentration on the CAGA-12-GFP and VIM-RFP fluorescence reporter activity of lung cancer spheroids embedded in a 3D microenvironment composed of gelMA hydrogel in a microfluidic chip. The experiment was performed on a fluorescence microscope where the microfluidic chip with spheroids was placed and imaged for 70 hours under cell culture conditions. The images were extracted as tif files and the spheroids were analysed in ImageJ using the "measure" function for the increase in fluorescence activity (every 5 hr interval) for different conditions. Folders "Fig. 2, Fig.3 and Fig.4" consists of raw data (tif images) for each condition used to analyse the fluorescence intensity. These folders also consists of the MATLAB codes to plot the respective figures. Additionally, the microfluidic chip with gelMA hydrogel was simulated using COMSOL software to determine the hydrogel permeability corresponding to a specific pressure drop to calculate the interstitial flow rate/velocity (files with extension .mph).</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData