%0 Computer Program
%A Contreras Navarro, Francisco
%D 2022
%T Python Models underlying the master thesis: Managing Water and Energy on Small Touristic Islands: study case Caye Chapel
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/software/Python_Models_underlying_the_master_thesis_Managing_Water_and_Energy_on_Small_Touristic_Islands_study_case_Caye_Chapel/20118284/1
%R 10.4121/20118284.v1
%K Water Management
%K Multi-Objective Optimization
%K Multi-criteria decision analysis
%K renewable energy
%K Urban water cycle
%X <p>The collection contains twelve different models. There is one model for each of the twelve (12) alternatives for the water-energy system described in the thesis "Managing Water and Energy on Small Touristic Islands: study case Caye Chapel". The input data for each model is contained in the .txt files. </p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData