%0 Generic %A Berkhout, Boris W. %D 2020 %T Data for, Host assemblage and environment shape β-diversity of freshwater parasites across diverse taxa at a continental scale (Europe) %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_for_Host_assemblage_and_environment_shape_-diversity_of_freshwater_parasites_across_diverse_taxa_at_a_continental_scale_Europe_/12715925/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:d1ff61b1-a87d-4db7-bdb5-725333d3666a %K Distribution %K Europe %K Hosts %K Limnofauna Europeae %K Parasites %X Absence and presence data on freshwater host (vertebrate) and parasite species from Limnofauna Europea. (Any updates will be posted on www.boriswberkhout.com) %I 4TU.Centre for Research Data