%0 Generic %A Stoffers, T. %A Collas, F.P.L. %A Buijse, A.D. %A Geerling, G.W. %A Jans, L.H. %A van Kessel, N. %A Verreth, J.A.J. %A Nagelkerke, Leopold A.J. %D 2024 %T Data from: 30 years of large river restoration: how long do restored floodplain channels remain suitable for targeted rheophilic fishes in the lower river Rhine? %U %R 10.4121/12999575.v3 %K river rehabilitation %K habitat succession %K nursery area %K riverine fishes %K river management %K cyclic rejuvenation %X

The ecological efficacy of river restoration projects may change over time, resulting in the loss of their ecological function for targeted species. The goal of this study was to evaluate the rheophilic nursery function of restored floodplain channels over time, by analysing 30 years of monitoring data from 12 restoration projects in the lower river Rhine.

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