%0 Generic %A Wang, Qian %D 2023 %T Data acquired during the research of Lugu Lake, Southwest China 28 KY cladoceran d13C %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_acquired_during_the_research_of_Lugu_Lake_Southwest_China_28_KY_cladoceran_d13C/13697596 %R 10.4121/13697596.v1 %K Cladocera %K Cladoceran stable carbon isotope %K Palaeoecology %K Climate change %X <p>This data were collected from Lugu Lake, southwest China in August 2010. The cladoceran stratigraphy and its stable carbon istope, compained with the high-resolution diatom, pollen and geochemical proxies were conducted. The in-lake CO2 concentration over the last 26 KY was inferred from δ13C of Bosmina (δ13CBOS).</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData