%0 Generic %A van Bijsterveldt, Celine %A Herman, Peter M. J. %A van Wesenbeeck, B.K. (Bregje) %A Ramadhani, Sri %A Heuts, Tom S. %A van Starrenburg, Corinne %A Tas, Silke %A Triyanti, Annisa %A helmi, muhammad %A Tonneijck, Femke H. %D 2023 %T Data presented in the paper: Subsidence reveals potential impacts of future sea level rise on inhabited mangrove coasts %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/_/22096397 %R 10.4121/22096397.v1 %K land subsidence %K relative sea level rise %K coastal communities %K nature-based flood defence %K mangrove greenbelt %K mangrove resilience %K root adaptation %K lateral erosion %K population migration %X

To shed light on the future of low-lying rural areas in the face of sea level rise, we studied a 20 km long rural coastline neighbouring a sinking city in Indonesia (8 – 20 cm yr-1), hereafter called studyarea. Through the collection of data across 7 main topics, we show that villages experienced significant RSLR near the city. Mangroves also experienced RSLR near the city, although to a lesser degree, and were able to respond to RSLR rates 4.3 cm yr-1 through various root adaptations. The seven main investigated topics, and their respective datasets: 

0. village population migration

1. village house experienced RSLR

2. mangrove experienced RSLR

2a. mangrove experienced RSLR

2b. rainfall data

3. foreshore dynamics

4. mangrove bed-level dynamics based on pneumatophore markings

5. mangrove root acclimation

5.1. pneumatophore markings (same dataset as 4.)

5.2. rootmat formation

5.3. sedimentation experiment

6. lateral mangrove die-back

6.1. dead trees and summary of all datasets as used in Figure 4 of the manuscript

6.2. pneumatophore mortality (same dataset as 4.)

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