%0 Generic %A Chasan, Rivka %A Baron, Liliana %A Kozowyk, Paul %A Langejans, G.H.J. (Geeske) %D 2023 %T Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry data used to identify ancient aceramic birch tar production methods %U %R 10.4121/87cdb877-3757-4e05-8618-906140752a83.v1 %K Archaeology %K Prehistory %K Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry %K Birch bark tar %K Terpenoids %X

This data set contains Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) data of 29 experimentally produced birch bark tars using aceramic methods - condensation, ash mound, pit roll, and raised structure. Analysis of the molecular signature was conducted to form a comparative database that can be used to enhance the understanding of ancient tar production methods that could have been applied before the invention of pottery by early hunter gatherers.

The attached data provides additional information on the chemical composition of the experimental birch bark tars. The dataset is made up of 2 types of files: Raw GC-MS data in .zip files for each experiment (containing .acaml, .dx, .mfx, .bin, .rx, .pmx, .amx) that can be used for further analysis and .xlsx files documenting information about the tar samples. The .xlsx files contains peaks automatically assigned by the software from the NIST database and may contain errors.

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