%0 Generic
%A de Roda Husman, Sophie
%A Hu, Zhongyang
%A van Tiggelen, Maurice
%A Dell, Rebecca
%A Bolibar, Jordi
%A Lhermitte, Stef
%A Wouters, Bert
%A Kuipers Munneke, Peter
%D 2024
%T Data underlying the publication: Physically-informed super-resolution downscaling of Antarctic surface melt
%R 10.4121/87607637-09d9-4147-8125-c85eec901a88.v1
%K Antarctica
%K Surface melt
%K Deep learning
%K Super-resolution
%K Downscaling
%K High-resolution
%K Ice shelves
%K Physically-informed
%X <p>The dataset provided in this repository corresponds to the original data used in the publication by De Roda Husman et al. (2024) titled "Physically-informed super-resolution downscaling of Antarctic surface melt" (DOI to be announced!).&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>The dataset, named SUPREME, contains a record of surface melt (in meters water equivalent per year) on an Antarctic-wide scale. It offers surface melt data at a high spatial resolution of 5.5 kilometers for each melt year (1 July - 30 June), covering the period from 2001 to 2019. Our method downscales Antarctic surface melt from the regional climate model Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (RACMO, v2.3p2), employing a physically-informed super-resolution architecture. The super-resolution model integrates physical information derived from remote sensing data, specifically surface albedo and elevation.</p><p><br></p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData