%0 Generic %A Hazeu, G.W. %A Vittek, M. %A Schuiling, R. %A Bulens, J.D. %A Storm, M.H. %A Roerink, G.J. %A Meijninger, W.M.L. %D 2023 %T Landelijk Grondgebruik Nederland 2018 (LGN2018) %U %R 10.4121/8738f896-f49e-4ae7-8671-50ef893a2cee.v1 %K LGN2018 %K land use %K land cover %K monitoring %K nature classification %K remote sensing %K landgebruik %K bodembedekking %K Landelijk Grondgebruik Nederland %K monitoren %X <p>LGN2018 is a grid file that shows Dutch land use in 2018 with a spatial resolution of 5m. The legend</p><p>consists of 48 land use classes, distinguishing the main agricultural crops, forest, water, nature and</p><p>urban classes. In addition to increasing the spatial detail (from 25*25m to 5*5m), the thematic detail of</p><p>especially the nature areas has been greatly improved by, among other things, the use of multi-temporal</p><p>Sentinel-2 images and the AHN2/3 dataset. In addition to the Sentinel-2 images and the AHN2/3 dataset, the</p><p>following datasets were used to make LGN2018: Top10NL (version November 2018), Basis Registratie</p><p>Percelen 2018 (BRP2018), Bestand BodemGebruik 2015 (BBG2015), BasisKaart Natuur 2017 (BKN2017), and LGN7.</p><p>In addition, aerial photos from 2018 have been used.</p><p><br></p><p>The dataset is public which is made possible by WOT Natuur & Milieu, Het Waterschapshuis, Interprovinciaal</p><p>Overleg, RIVM and Wageningen Environmental Research.</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData