%0 Generic %A Hazeu, G.W. %A Vittek, M. %A Schuiling, R. %A Bulens, J.D. %A Storm, M.H. %A Roerink, G.J. %A Meijninger, W.M.L. %D 2024 %T Landelijk Grondgebruik Nederland 2018 (LGN2018) %U %R 10.4121/8738f896-f49e-4ae7-8671-50ef893a2cee.v2 %K LGN2018 %K land use %K land cover %K monitoring %K nature classification %K remote sensing %K landgebruik %K bodembedekking %K Landelijk Grondgebruik Nederland %K monitoren %X

LGN2018 is a grid file that shows Dutch land use in 2018 with a spatial resolution of 5m. The legend

consists of 48 land use classes, distinguishing the main agricultural crops, forest, water, nature and

urban classes. In addition to increasing the spatial detail (from 25*25m to 5*5m), the thematic detail of

especially the nature areas has been greatly improved by, among other things, the use of multi-temporal

Sentinel-2 images and the AHN2/3 dataset. In addition to the Sentinel-2 images and the AHN2/3 dataset, the

following datasets were used to make LGN2018: Top10NL (version November 2018), Basis Registratie

Percelen 2018 (BRP2018), Bestand BodemGebruik 2015 (BBG2015), BasisKaart Natuur 2017 (BKN2017), and LGN7.

In addition, aerial photos from 2018 have been used.

The dataset is public which is made possible by WOT Natuur & Milieu, Het Waterschapshuis, Interprovinciaal

Overleg, RIVM and Wageningen Environmental Research.

%I 4TU.ResearchData