%0 Generic %A Januar, Rizky %D 2018 %T Agent-Based Model for Information Flows of Rohingya Refugee Camps in Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Agent-Based_Model_for_Information_Flows_of_Rohingya_Refugee_Camps_in_Cox_s_Bazaar_Bangladesh/12674876/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:01ec8b10-8356-49ed-b329-66d5efb9fc90 %K Agent-based %K Crisis %K Humanitarian %K Information %K Rohingya %X This is a simulation model for Rohingya refugee camps condition in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. The main objective is to behaviorally simulate different monitoring time cycle implementation of humanitarian organization(s) assigned for the monitoring process. Currently, as of August 2018, IOM is the sole monitoring organization for Rohingya refugee camps in Cox's Bazar. Through exploratory data input, the monitoring mechanism under various monitoring conditions (including possibility of information sharing mechanism within different monitoring organizations) can be observed dynamically. %I 4TU.Centre for Research Data