%0 Generic %A Tossaint, Alex %A Rebreyend, Christophe %A Sinha, Vivek %A Weber, Manuela %A Canossa, Stefano %A Pidko, Evgeny A. %A Filonenko, Georgy %D 2022 %T Raw data for "Two step activation of Ru-PN3P pincer catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation" %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Raw_data_for_Two_step_activation_of_Ru-PN3P_pincer_catalysts_for_CO2_hydrogenation_/19190237/1 %R 10.4121/19190237.v1 %K pincer complex %K CO2 %K formic acid %K Catalyst Activation %K mechanisms %X This dataset contains raw NMR data for new compounds used in the publication. The contents are stored in MNOVA format and can be used as a reference for reproduction.<br>Dataset also contains raw DFT data for calculations presented in the research work, specifically on hydrogen activation and pincer ligand acidity topics. %I 4TU.ResearchData