%0 Computer Program %A Elbing, Raphael %D 2022 %T The model and the data part of the master thesis “Integrating Reuse in MaTrace Models: An implementation and evaluation” %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/software/The_model_and_the_data_part_of_the_master_thesis_Integrating_Reuse_in_MaTrace_Models_An_implementation_and_evaluation_/21103819/1 %R 10.4121/21103819.v1 %K MaTrace %K Reuse %K Material flow analysis (MFA) %K Cobalt %K Master thesis %X <p>The presented model and the data are part of the master thesis “Integrating Reuse in MaTrace Models: An implementation and evaluation” by Raphael Elbing handed in in September 2022 to obtain the Master of Science in Industrial Ecology. Part of the code is explained in the file “model_application_manual.html”. The composition of the data is explained in the thesis itself. The ziped folders need to be unziped to run the code.</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData