%0 Generic
%A van Kuik, Gijs
%D 2020
%T Background data for the paper: On the velocity at wind turbine and propeller actuator discs, published in Wind Energy Science
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Background_data_for_the_paper_On_the_velocity_at_wind_turbine_and_propeller_actuator_discs_published_in_Wind_Energy_Science/12714344/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:c0c94590-2071-470b-bb0e-52f420cbb950
%K Actuator disc
%K Propeller flow
%K Wind turbine flow
%X The dataset contains all information required to check or repeat the calculations reported in the paper 'On the velocity at wind turbine and propeller actuator discs', and to analyze the  specific results mentioned in the paper. The Fortran code is not given, but all equations and data are.
%I 4TU.Centre for Research Data