%0 Generic %A Luxemburg, W.M.J.(Wim) %A van den Dool, Cees-Anton %D 2009 %T Measured data from sensor TB at Maisbich for month 2005-07 %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Measured_data_from_sensor_TB_at_Maisbich_for_month_2005-07/12688073/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:308fb069-6daf-44ba-87d0-baef5f2fe47f %K climate %K discharge %K hydrology %K precipitation %K rainfall %K river basin %X Parent item: All data measured by tipping bucket discharge meter in Maisbich Measuring instrument: Maisbich basin: Tipping bucket rainfall meter Type: Casella Tipping Bucket 100000 E This instrument measures rainfall by counting the times a bucket tips over due to filling with rainfall. Aperture 400 cm3 (?) Bucket size 0.2mm (?) %I 4TU.Centre for Research Data