%0 Generic
%A Zhang, Wei
%D 2021
%T Expression data of genes related to capsaicin synthesis screened in PRJNA331024 BioProject
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Expression_data_of_genes_related_to_capsaicin_synthesis_screened_in_PRJNA331024_BioProject/16601123/1
%R 10.4121/16601123.v1
%K RNA-seq
%K capsaicin synthesis
%K PRJNA331024
%X The CDS sequences of genes related to Capsicum synthesis searched in NCBI Capsicum Chinense genome were screened from part of SRA data of PRJNA331024 BioProject, and then the TPM of related genes was obtained.
%I 4TU.ResearchData