%0 Generic %A Jansma, Walter %A Trevisan, Elia %A Serra-Gómez, Álvaro %A Alonso-Mora, Javier %D 2024 %T Trained Model and Data for Trajectory Predictions of Autonomous Surface Vessels in Urban Canals %U %R 10.4121/776e311c-9ccf-4fab-886d-c1886ff15fcf.v1 %K Autonomous Vehicles %K Vessels %K Trajectories %K Navigation %K Predictive models %K Planning %K Multi-agent systems %K Autonomous robots %X

This dataset contains artificial data consisting of trajectories of multiple vessels navigating in to-scale canal maps of Amsterdam and a trained prediction model on this data. This dataset is related to the IEEE 2023 International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS) proceedings titled "Interaction-Aware Sampling-Based MPC with Learned Local Goal Prediction".

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