%0 Computer Program
%A Aschenneller, Benedikt
%A Rietbroek, Roelof
%A van der Wal, Daphne
%D 2024
%T Code to paper "Changing Sea Level, Changing Shorelines: Integration of Remote Sensing Observations at the Terschelling Barrier Island"
%R 10.4121/6f8f8535-5b4f-4abb-b0f6-89a6a80c13bf.v1
%K shoreline
%K coastline
%K sea level
%K remote sensing
%X <p>Code to reproduce the figures of the paper "Changing Sea Level, Changing Shorelines: Integration of Remote Sensing Observations at the Terschelling Barrier Island". This research combines and compares different types of coastal remote sensing datasets in order to&nbsp;assess the potential of remote sensing techniques to detect a geometrical relationship between sea level rise and shoreline retreat for a case study at the Terschelling barrier island at the Northern Dutch coast. The code is written in python and organized in jupyter notebooks, relying on various open source python libraries.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData