%0 Generic %A Atkins, Suzanne %A Hedjazian, N. (Navid) %D 2020 %T Data underlying the publication: Neural network surrogate models for the rapid calculation of seismic anisotropy due to crystal preferred orientation, based on the D-Rex program %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Neural_network_surrogate_models_for_the_rapid_calculation_of_seismic_anisotropy_due_to_crystal_preferred_orientation_based_on_the_D-Rex_program/12763901/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:e3ea934d-92d1-42d4-8ff3-2b69bfbcdba8 %K Artificial neural networks %K Machine learning %K Seismic anisotropy %K Surrogate modeling %K geodynamic modelling %K geodynamics %X Neural networks trained to approximate the D-Rex crystal deformation modelling package. %I 4TU.ResearchData