%0 Generic
%A Christiaanse, Jakob C.
%A Antolínez, José A. A.
%D 2024
%T Coastgons: regional coastal characteristics along a global hexagonal coastline grid
%R 10.4121/68377ee4-892d-40f0-a490-29f2601e6825.v2
%K Coastgons
%K Global data
%K Coastal characteristics
%K Coastline
%K Hexagons
%K H3
%K Sea Turtles
%X <p>This dataset contains the global coastgon grid, covering the Earth's coastline between -37 and 48 degrees latitude in a hexagonal cell grid. Each Coastgon (hexagonal coastal cell) has a diameter of around 50 km (although this varies&nbsp;with almost all Coastgon diameters between 45 and 55 km). Each&nbsp;coastgon is characterized by 22 coastal indicators derived from state-of-the-art&nbsp;global datasets, spanning hydrodynamic, atmospheric, geophysical, habitat, and&nbsp;human processes. For more details on the derivation and background of the data,&nbsp;the reader is refered to the accompanying publication:</p><p><br></p><p>Christiaanse, J.C., Antolínez, J.A.A., Luijendijk, A.P., Athanasiou, P., Duarte,&nbsp;C.M., and Aarninkhof, S. (2024). Distribution of global sea turtle nesting&nbsp;explained from regional-scale coastal characteristics. <em>Scientific Reports, 14(752)</em>. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-50239-5</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData