%0 Generic
%A van Puijenbroek, Marinka
%A Teichman, C. (Corry)
%A Meijdam, N. (Noortje)
%A Oliveras, I. (Imma)
%A Berendse, F. (Frank)
%A Limpens, J. (Juul)
%D 2017
%T Dataset: Does salt stress constrain spatial distribution of dune building species Ammophila arenaria and Elytrigia juncea?
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Dataset_Does_salt_stress_constrain_spatial_distribution_of_dune_building_species_Ammophila_arenaria_and_Elytrigia_juncea_/12674837/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:01561d16-bc87-4614-8f4e-e17393d4d34d
%K Coastal dunes
%K Coastal protection
%K Dune building plant science
%K Dune natural development
%K Plant establishment
%K Plant growth
%K Soil salinity
%X Data published in paper: 
Van Puijenbroek, M.E.B., Teichman, C., Meijdam, N., Oliveras, I., Berendse, F., Limpens, J. (2017) Does salt stress constrain spatial distribution of dune building grasses Ammophila arenaria and Elytrigia juncea on the beach? Ecology and Evolution.
The study consist of three parts
1.	Field transplant experiment with two dune building grasses 
2.	Soil salinity measurements in the field 
3.	Glasshouse experiment with two dune building grasses

For more information check the readme file in the zip file.
%I Wageningen University & Research