%0 Generic %A Lortz, Rolf %A Cho, C.-w. (Chang-woo) %A Shen, J. (Junying) %D 2020 %T Data underlying the research of Z3-vestigial nematic order due to superconducting fluctuations in the doped topological insulators NbxBi2Se3 and CuxBi2Se3 %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_research_of_Z3-vestigial_nematic_order_due_to_superconducting_fluctuations_in_the_doped_topological_insulators_NbxBi2Se3_and_CuxBi2Se3/12707492/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:8f2eed77-3db3-4d07-965a-d4900f5ff22d %K NbxBi2Se3 %K doped Bi2Se3 %K nematic superconductivity %K superconductor (SC) %X Experimental data taken on a Nb0.25Bi2Se3 single crystal including, magnetoresistance for magnetic fields applied parallel to the Bi2Se3 basal plane for various in-plane directions of the magnetic field, zero-field thermal expansion, specific heat, DC magnetization, zero-field electric resistivity. Magnetostriction at 0.3 K. Description of data: Thermal expansion: Files: alpha90deg.dat, alpha155deg.dat, alpha215deg.dat: thermal expansion measured along 3 different in-plane directions: 90 degrees, 155 degrees, 215 degrees, respectively. First column:T (K), second column DeltaL/L0 Specific heat: File: Cp.dat First column: T (K), second column C/T (mJ/mol/K2) DC magnetization: File: MagZFC.dat and MagFC.dat measured under zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) condition. First column: T (K), second column M (emu/cm3/Oe). Zero-field resistivity: File: resistivity.dat, First column: T (K), second column rho (mOhm cm) Magnetoresistance: Various files: MR90deg.dat,.. The in-plane orientation of the magnetic field is indicated in the file name. First column: H (T), second column rho (mOhm cm). %I 4TU.Centre for Research Data