%0 Generic %A Xu, Zhiyuan %A Tao, Ran %A Masania, Kunal %A Teixeira de Freitas, S. (Sofia) %D 2024 %T Data underlying the publication: Biomimetic toughening design of 3D-printed polymeric structures: Enhancing toughness through sacrificial bonds and hidden lengths %U %R 10.4121/5df63ddf-8630-4a05-b446-75dd9abe3e24.v2 %K biomimetic materials %K sacrificial bonds %K hidden lengths %K toughness %X <p>This publication main focus on the mechanical properties characterization of bio-inspired structures with sacrificial bonds and hidden lengths. The dataset contains the tensile test results of the overlapping curls structures investigated in this publication. Based on the tensile load-displacement curves, it is able to summarize the parameters discussed in the publication. Also the dataset of the bio-inspired structures with different materials are also represented for comparison.</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData