%0 Generic
%A Bertolini, Camilla
%A Capelle, J.J. (Jacob)
%A Timmermans, K. (Klaas)
%A Bouma, T.J. (Tjeerd)
%A van de Koppel, J. (Johan)
%A Derksen, G.C.H. (Dorien)
%D 2019
%T Data presented in the paper "Timing it right: Non-consumptive effects on prey recruitment magnify overtime"
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_presented_in_the_paper_Timing_it_right_Non-consumptive_effects_on_prey_recruitment_magnify_overtime_/12709058/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:a0137272-c16f-4e07-afd2-ae7689993f2f
%K Asterias rubens
%K Benthic ecology
%K Indirect interactions
%K Mytilus edulis
%K Population dynamics
%K Predator-prey
%X This study aimed to quantify the impact of starfish presence on recruitment of mussel larvae. 
This was done with two trials ("Experiment column") by deploying spat collectors in meshed cages (cage column) (on multiple chains(Chain column)) with and without starfish Asterias rubens (Treatment column).
Collectors were taken out weekly. Settled mussels (Count column) and other organisms (Amphipods, Polychaete, Other and Total column) were counted for each collector.Mussel spat was also measured (Length and Area columsn)
%I 4TU.Centre for Research Data