%0 Generic
%A Jonkheer, Eef
%A Smit, Sandra
%A van der Lee, Theo
%A Brankovics, Balázs
%A van der Wolf, Jan
%A Vreeburg, Robert
%D 2021
%T Data underlying the publication: "The Pectobacterium pangenome, with a focus on Pectobacterium brasiliense, shows a robust core and extensive exchange of genes from a shared gene pool"
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_The_Pectobacterium_pangenome_with_a_focus_on_Pectobacterium_brasiliense_shows_a_robust_core_and_extensive_exchange_of_genes_from_a_shared_gene_pool_/14061122/2
%R 10.4121/14061122.v2
%K Pectobacterium
%K soft rot Pectobacteriaceae
%K Plant pathogen
%K Comparative genomics
%K Pangenome
%K Gene repertoire
%K Phylogeny
%K Virulence
%K Pectobacterium brasiliense
%X The dataset contains 197 genome (.fna) and 197 annotation (.gff) files that are placed in the compressed '<b>pectobacterium_genomes.zip</b>' and '<b>pectobacterium_annotations.zip</b>' directories. An overview of the data, including strain names, NCBI accessions, and Biosample identifiers is added as '<b>genome_annotation_data.xlsx</b>'<br>
%I 4TU.ResearchData