%0 Generic %A Stehouwer, Lucas %D 2023 %T Supporting information to derive the figures of the paper: 'Ge wafers for strained quantum wells with low disorder' %U %R 10.4121/52a5bcf9-8e15-4871-b256-10f90e320ecc.v1 %K Ge wafer %K germanium quantum dots %K spin qubits %K dislocations %K Ge/SiGe %X <p>The data sets are provided to recover each panel of the figures presented in the manuscript 'Ge wafers for strained quantum wells with low disorder'. The data supports observed improvements in both crystal quality as well as transport properties of the Ge quantum well when using Ge wafers as a substrate. The data sets are the raw datasets taken from measurements. Python files are added that we used to analyse and plot the data.</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData