%0 Computer Program %A Matthijsse, Jip %A Aly, Hossam %A Paardekooper, Sijme-Jan %D 2025 %T Code underlying the publication "Polydisperse Formation of Planetesimals: The dust size distribution in clumps" %U %R 10.4121/528086f3-b288-482f-ab45-3c5ccb18a293.v1 %K hydrodynamics %K instabilities %K methods: numerical %K planets and satellites: formation %K protoplanetary disc %X

This repository contains the scripts required to generate all the figures for the publication: "Polydisperse Formation of Planetesimals: The dust size distribution in clumps" by Matthijsse, Aly & Paardekooper (2025). This research investigates the Polydisperse Streaming Instability using the publicly available hydrodynamical code FARGO3D. This repository contains the scripts to process and visualize the hydrodynamical codes FARGO3D output files (.dat) of the simulation into time series in the form of (.csv) files. Calculations were done using the publicly available code PSITOOLS.

%I 4TU.ResearchData