%0 Generic
%A Kurm, Viola
%A Mendes, Odette
%A Gros, Jack
%A van der Wolf, Jan
%D 2023
%T Data for "Potato tuber origin and microbial composition determines resistance against soft rot Pectobacteriaceae"
%R 10.4121/19237146.v2
%K soil microbiome
%K plant disease resistance
%K Solanum tuberosum
%K Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae (SRP)
%X <p>In this study differences in disease incidence between potato seed lots inoculated with soft rot Pectobacteriaceae were assessed in two years.</p><p>Subsequently the microbial communities in tubers and soils from seed lots with a low and high disease incidence were determined by amplicon sequencing.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData