%0 Computer Program %A Vos, Jelle %A Vos, Daniƫl %D 2025 %T Code underlying: Efficient Circuits for Permuting and Mapping Packed Values Across Leveled Homomorphic Ciphertexts %U %R 10.4121/4b3dfb12-35e5-4d77-82ea-9758ac6dec18.v1 %K permutations %K homomorphic encryption %K cryptography %K graph coloring %X
This is an experimental implementation of a method to map elements accross multiple leveled homomorphic ciphertexts. Currently, only HElib ciphertexts are supported.
Building is simple using `cmake .`.
We implemented three different experiments:
To choose one, pass the corresponding number to the program as an argument.
%I 4TU.ResearchData