%0 Generic %A Loriaux, Jessica %A Lenderink, G. (Geert) %A Siebesma, A. P. (Pier) %D 2016 %T Composite case of conditions leading to high peak precipitation intensities in the Netherlands %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Composite_case_of_conditions_leading_to_high_peak_precipitation_intensities_in_the_Netherlands/12717443/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:e066b7f5-f83b-406b-93e8-6ba3eb3659eb %K Atmosphere %K Atmospheric sciences %K Climate %K Environmental sciences %K Extreme events %K Meteorology %K Precipitation %X This data set contains the atmospheric profiles and large scale forcing conditions used in the paper "Large-scale controls on extreme precipitation" in Journal of Climate, following the paper “Peak precipitation intensity in relation to atmospheric conditions and large-scale forcing at midlatitudes (doi: 10.1002/2015JD024274)” in Journal of Geophysical Research. This dataset is a composite case of the atmospheric conditions surrounding precipitation events with peak intensities in the upper decile over the Netherlands, including its temporal evolution from 12 hours prior to 12 hours after the peak intensity was recorded. %I TU Delft