%0 Generic %A Moteki, Daichi %A Murai, Takenori %A Hiroyasu, Yasuda %A Muramatu, Shogo %A Hayasaka, Kiyoshi %A Hoshino, Tsuyoshi %D 2021 %T Data underlying the publication: Capture method for digital twin of formation processes of sand bars %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Capture_method_for_digital_twin_of_formation_processes_of_sand_bars/16758646/1 %R 10.4121/16758646.v1 %K Digital twin %K River morphodynamics %K laboratory experiments %K sand waves %X This dataset has been stored for the purpose of showing the data used in the drawings and results in the text of the current submission to Physics of Fluids, entitled: Capture method for digital twin of formation processes of sand bars.Please refer to the text for the purpose of the experiment and the method of data acquisition. The DOI will be added when the paper is accepted.<br>Read README.md for details. %I 4TU.ResearchData