%0 Generic
%A Romero Herrera, Natalia
%A Davis-Owusu, K. A. (Kadian)
%A van Oers, S. (Sonja)
%A Albers, J. (Janna)
%A de van der Schueren, M.A.E. (Marian)
%D 2019
%T Qualitative coding of 12 semi-structure interviews on food behaviour context and food reporting engagement
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Qualitative_coding_of_12_semi-structure_interviews_on_food_behaviour_context_and_food_reporting_engagement/12674927/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:02b93c7c-545d-4501-b375-6db1aff039c6
%K contextual factors
%K dieticians
%K food behaviour
%K food self-reporting
%K obesity
%K overweight
%K post-bariatric
%X The study aims to qualitatively generate knowledge on food contextual factors that influence food behaviour as well as the engagement of existing food reporting techniques. Twelve (12) semi-structure contextual individual interviews were conducted to two related overweight populations: clients of dieticians (8) and parents of overweight children under clinical treatment (3*). From the eight clients, four (4) had previously undergone bariatric surgery (labelled as the PB condition in the dataset) and the remaining four (4) participants did not undergo surgery (labelled as the 65+ condition in the dataset). These eight (8) interviews were conducted at participants' home. The interviews with parents were conducted at a clinical facility.* one audio recorded was lost due to technical failure of the recorder. The outcomes will generate insights for healthcare professionals to develop a contextual framework of food behaviour and for creative industry to identify experiential factors influencing food reporting engagement.
%I 4TU.Centre for Research Data