%0 Generic %A Jansen, Femke %A Uijlenhoet, Remko %A Jacobs, Cor %A Teuling, Adriaan J. %D 2021 %T Open water evaporation of Lake IJssel, data used in the study 'Evaporation from a large lowland reservoir – observed dynamics during a warm summer'. %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Open_water_evaporation_of_Lake_IJssel_data_used_in_the_study_Evaporation_from_a_large_lowland_reservoir_observed_dynamics_during_a_warm_summer_/16601675/1 %R 10.4121/16601675.v1 %K Evaporation %K Open water evaporation %K IJsselmeer %K Lake IJssel %K eddy covariance %K Temperature %K Relative humidity %K Hydrology %K Meteorology %X
Time series of open water evaporation of Lake IJssel, the Netherlands, during the years 2019 and 2020 at two locations at the border of the lake: Stavoren and Trintelhaven. Data was collected using the eddy covariance instrument of the type IRGASON at a sampling frequency of 20Hz. Data was processed using EddyPro software for a 30-min averaging interval. The measurement height was 7.5 m and 10.8 m in Stavoren and Trintelhaven, respectively. Variables Tair and RH were collected using a separate HMP155A instrument at a height of 7.4 m and 10.9 m above surface in Stavoren and Trintelhaven, respectively. This data belongs to the study 'Evaporation from a large lowland reservoir – observed dynamics during a warm summer'.
%I 4TU.ResearchData