%0 Generic
%A Rahmawati, Novi
%A Arisanty, Deasy
%A Rosadi, Dedi
%D 2022
%T Supplementary data for paper: Soil Physical Characteristics and Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in the Landform of Barito Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Supplementary_data_for_paper_Soil_Physical_Characteristics_and_Saturated_Hydraulic_Conductivity_in_Barito_Delta_Kalimantan_Indonesia/16947889/4
%R 10.4121/16947889.v4
%K soil fraction
%K soil texture
%K landform
%K barito delta
%K soil profile
%K saturated hydraulic conductivity
%K bulk density
%X <p>This data contain soil textures, bulk density, soil organic matter, saturated hydraulic conductivity, landform map, soil sample location map, electrical ressistivity measurement location, and soil profile location. Soil samples are taken in each depth of soil until 5 m depth. The sample is taken representatively in every landforms in Barito Delta. Soil sample is not taken until 5 m depth in case it found fine sand material. It is because this sand material is from ancient sedimentation that occured in the past. The sample is not taken in Oxbow Lake because it is mostly covered with grass land and water. Particle size distribution (% clay, % silt and % silt) is defined from laboratory testing. USDA triangle texture is used to determine soil texture. Bulk density is sampled in land surface only or at 1 meter depth since the value is almost homogenous in peatland. Soil organic matter (SOM) is sampled similar way with soil texture. Soil profile location is used to characterize soil texture in each depth of each landform in Barito Delta. Bayesian statistics is used to interpolate soil fraction in each depth to derive soil fraction map in each soil profile location. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is estimated from every sample and every depth applying Saxton and Raws (1986) and (2006), Weynants et al (2009) formulas. Research objective is to characterize soil fraction, soil texture, soil organic matter, and saturated hydraulic conductivity in peatland of Barito delta where get influence from river and sea sedimentation. Soil sample for soil texture, soil organic matter, bulk density and electrical resistivity measurement are primary data. Landform is mapped using fieldcheck in 2011 of land use from landsat year 2008; soil map from institution scale 1:250,000; and topography map scale 1: 250,000</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData