%0 Computer Program
%A Detailleur, Alvaro
%A Umans, Sachin
%A Van Even, Herbert
%D 2021
%T Code complementing the paper "Feasibility Analysis of a Self-Reinforcing Electroadhesive Rotational Clutch"
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/software/Code_complementing_the_paper_Feasibility_Analysis_of_a_Self-Reinforcing_Electroadhesive_Rotational_Clutch_/14579175/1
%R 10.4121/14579175.v1
%K Clutch
%K Electroadhesion
%K self-reinforcement mechanism
%K Wearable Robotics
%K self-reinforcement
%X The code complementing the paper "Feasibility Analysis of a Self-Reinforcing Electroadhesive Rotational Clutch" presented on AIM 2021.<br>This code determines the least sensitive configuration for a lightweight self-reinforcing electroadhesive rotational clutch while taking into account practical design and production limitations.
%I 4TU.ResearchData