%0 Generic
%A Mirpour, Shahriar
%A Peeters, Silke
%A Nijdam, Sander
%A Köhn, Christoph
%D 2021
%T Data Presented in Positive Corona Inception  from Charged Ellipsoidal Thundercloud Hydrometeors
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_Presented_in_Positive_Corona_Inception_from_Charged_Ellipsoidal_Thundercloud_Hydrometeors/16820980/1
%R 10.4121/16820980.v1
%K Electric Field
%K Lightning
%K hydrometeors
%K corona discharge
%K Lightning inception
%K ellipsoidal particles
%K voltage
%X This dataset contains all data presented in the manuscript "A Model for Positive Corona Inception from Charged Ellipsoidal Thundercloud Hydrometeors" by S.A. Peeters et al. (under review, open access at https://www.essoar.org/doi/10.1002/essoar.10507503.1). The data is indicated by figure names corresponding to the figures of this manuscript. The goal of this study is to investigate the conditions for the onset of a positive corona discharge in air for ellipsoidal hydrometeors. This is done for different pressures (relative gas density delta in the dataset) and aspect ratios of the ellipsoids. By doing so, the feasibility of corona inception from ellipsoidal hydrometeors can be formulated based on the self-sustaining condition of electron avalanches. From the theoretical expressions formulated around this condition, the equation defining this condition can be solved in Matlab. The data presented is the numerical output (electric field, voltage, surface charge, and ionization integral values) of the Matlab scripts, which are attached as supporting information to the study. The data used to determine the breakdown field is also included. The data, which consists of ionization and attachment coefficients, was obtained from the BOLSIG+ and Phelps databases.
%I 4TU.ResearchData