%0 Generic
%A van Woudenberg, Tom
%A van der Meer, Frans
%D 2021
%T Supplementary data for the publication: A Grouping Method for Optimization of Steel Skeletal Structures by Applying a Combinatorial Search Algorithm Based on a Fully Stressed Design
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Supplementary_data_for_the_publication_Fixing_the_Number_of_Unique_Profiles_in_Optimization_of_Steel_Skeletal_Structures/12718790/3
%R 10.4121/12718790.v3
%K Diversity
%K Grouping methods
%K Principle of Commonality
%K Steel structures
%K Structural Optimization
%X This dataset belongs to the publication: A Grouping Method for Optimization of Steel Skeletal Structures by Applying a Combinatorial Search Algorithm Based on a Fully Stressed Design. It contains all input data of the eight benchmarks problems used and the results of the numerical experiments.
%I 4TU.Centre for Research Data