%0 Generic %A Jansen, Thies %A Kochetkova, Ekaterina %A Isaeva, Anna %A Brinkman, Alexander %A Li, Chuan %D 2024 %T Transport data on MnBi2Te4 Hall bar and Nb juction devices underlying the publication: 'Josephson coupling across magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4' %U %R 10.4121/3c9e6f54-d969-4345-9fe6-9635b3aaa452.v2 %K Topological insulators %K superconductivty %K MnBi2Te4 %K Josephson junction %K magnetoresistance %X

Transport data on MnBi2Te4 Hall bar and Nb junction devices underlying the data presented in the publication: 'Josephson coupling across magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4'. All data is ordered according to the figures as presented in the underlying publication.

The data set contains .csv files with the measured differential resistances and DC voltages of Hall bar and Nb junction devices under different magnetic fields, bias currents and back gate voltages. The included meta.txt files describe the labeling of the dataset.

The measured (differential) resistance can be derived from the applied bias current en the measured (differential) voltage.

A python script for the Kwant simulations are included.

%I 4TU.ResearchData