%0 Generic %A Maas, J.B. (Jerom) %D 2020 %T Dataset for A Portable Primary Radar for General Aviation %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Dataset_for_A_Portable_Primary_Radar_for_General_Aviation/12763772/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:871e7734-04bf-4955-9be5-e59a3e658db1 %K Direction of Arrival Estimation %K Primary Radar %K Radar Sensing %K Sense and Avoid %X This dataset contains radar data recorded with a portable active radar, which was recorded during a local flight at an airport. The radar was aimed at the sky where the aircraft flew over. The research objective is to evaluate the possiblities of localizing the aircraft accurately in 3D. This set contains both the raw binary data files, and the Python3 files to open the dataset. %I 4TU.ResearchData