%0 Generic %A van Lent, Paul %A Planken, L.R.(Léon) %A Bunkova, Olga %A Abeel, Thomas %A Schmitz, Joep %D 2024 %T Results for Neural Ordinary Differential Equations Inspired Parameterization of Kinetic Models %U %R 10.4121/3662eca5-7077-4ca3-8f66-d051e2c79cbe.v1 %K systems-biology %K kinetic-models %K bioinformatics %K machine learning %K chemical kinetics %X

Results from the computational experiments on simulated and experimental time-series data as described in the paper Neural Ordinary Differential Equations Inspired

Parameterization of Kinetic Models. Details on the experiments can be found in the readme of https://github.com/AbeelLab/jaxkineticmodel

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