%0 Generic %A Laengner, Marieke Liesa %D 2019 %T Supplementary material of the article "Trends in the Seaward Extent of Saltmarshes across Europe from Long-Term Satellite Data" %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Supplementary_material_of_the_article_Trends_in_the_Seaward_Extent_of_Saltmarshes_across_Europe_from_Long-Term_Satellite_Data_/12721400/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:7a2b5118-9dda-4b82-8b9e-ddb6e750b08c %K Europe %K Landsat %K decision tree %K habitat change %K remote sensing %K saltmarsh dynamics %K saltmarsh-mudflat interface %K time series %K unsupervised classification %X The datasets are the supplementary of the article "Trends in the Seaward Extent of Saltmarshes across Europe from Long-Term Satellite Data" published in Remote Sensing (year: 2019, volume: 11, issue: 14, page:1653) as part of the Special Issue Satellite-Based Wetland Observation. The authors of the this article are Marieke Liesa Laengner, Koen Siteur, and Daphne van der Wal %I 4TU.Centre for Research Data