%0 Generic %A Amador, Guillermo %A Tam, Daniel %A Aubin-Tam, Marie-Eve %A Kieffer, Roland %A van Dijk, Dennis %D 2021 %T Data underlying the publication: Hydrodynamic shear dissipation and transmission in lipid bilayers %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Hydrodynamic_shear_dissipation_and_transmission_in_lipid_bilayers/14472705/1 %R 10.4121/14472705.v1 %K Lipid bilayers %K Microfluidics %K surface rheology %K Optical tweezers or optical manipulation, Diffractive optics %K membrane viscosity %K interlayer friction %X This dataset includes three m-files associated with the plots for the experimental data (Figure 2 in the manuscript) and numerical simulations (Figure 4 in the manuscript). The associated mat and txt files containing the data are included. The m-files will call these files. %I 4TU.ResearchData