%0 Generic %A Droste, Isabel %A Schuitema, Erik %A Khan, Sajjad %A Heldens, Stijn %A van Werkhoven, Ben %A Lidke, Keith A. %A Stallinga, Sjoerd %A Rieger, Bernd %D 2024 %T Test data for Calibration-free estimation of field dependent aberrations for single molecule localization microscopy across large fields of view %U %R 10.4121/311fa522-2ce5-47f6-8674-10e001f7e909.v1 %K microtubules %K test data %K Single molecule localization microscopy %X
Test data for the software demo of the manuscript 'Calibration-free estimation of field dependent aberrations for single molecule localization microscopy across large fields of view'. This dataset contains the first 800 frames from the 3D microtuble dataset from Figure 2 of the manuscript. It is a test dataset for the Software Demo accompanying the manuscript.
It concerns raw data for Single Molecule Localization Microscopy of microtubules of HeLa cells over a large 97 x 97 μm field of view. The images were acquired with 2 cylindrical lenses at the Fourier plane of the microscope to introduce astigmatism. The data was acquired in order to demonstrate the estimation of field dependent aberrations from single molecule localization.
%I 4TU.ResearchData