%0 Generic
%A Xun, Hanzhi
%D 2025
%T Data underlying the publication: Device-Aware Test for Ion Depletion Defects in RRAMs
%R 10.4121/30c4cc38-5844-41f2-bdef-8fa36b800ec5.v1
%K RRAM test
%K linear resistors
%K device-aware defect model
%K non-volatile memory, 3D stackability
%K non-volatile memory
%K 3D stackability
%X <p>The raw data of a defect-free RRAM I-V curve, which can be seen in Fig. 10 (a). The data set can help researcher to make an I-V curve or R-V curve of a HfO2 based RRAM device.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData