%0 Generic %A Elasmar, Maya %D 2025 %T Data underlying the MSc thesis: Integration of Pedagogical Agent in Counselling Simulation Training For Child Helplines %U %R 10.4121/2e329e76-5f48-4d7f-bd70-4bd6d3238846.v1 %K Pedagogical Agent %K Child Helplines %K Guidance %K Scaffolding %K Adaptivity %X

Data collected as part of an evaluation study of an integrated Pedagogical agent in simulation training for child helplines counsellors to publish a paper, "Integration of Pedagogical Agent in Counselling Simulation Training For Child Helplines". This dataset contains results of participants with regards to three measures - performance during interactions in the simulation training, counselling self-efficacy and perceived usefulness of the system. It also contains double coding analysis. The design of the study is available at https://osf.io/9gtbm.

%I 4TU.ResearchData