%0 Generic %A Korswagen Eguren, Paul %A Harish, Selvam %A Oetjen, Jan %A Wüthrich, Davide %D 2022 %T Post-flood field survey of the Ahr Valley (Germany) %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Post-flood_field_survey_of_the_Ahr_Valley_Germany_/19222656/1 %R 10.4121/19222656.v1 %K Flood %K Building Damage %K Flood Survey %K Ahr valley %K Field Survey %K Flood Pictures %K Watermarks %K Hydraulic engineering %K Structural Engineering %K Natural Hazards %X This repository contains Metadata associated with the report "Post-flood field survey of the Ahr Valley (Germany) - Building damages and hydraulic aspects" by P. Korswagen, S. Harish, J. Oetjen and D. Wüthrich (DOI: 10.4233/uuid:3cafd772-facd-4e3a-8b1a-cee978562ff1)

1. Geo-referenced pictures collected during a field survey of the Ahr Valley (Germany) on August 17-19th 2021.
Photos have been arranged based on the town were they were taken. Eight locations have been selected: Dernau, Rech, Mayschoß, Altenahr, Kreuzberg & Altenburg, Brück, Insul, Schuld. Pictures are named starting with the first letter of each location.
Photos have been categorised into three groups: W : photos showing a watermark on a façade, H : photos identifying building damage, and M : other miscellaneous images. These characters are placed second in the picture file names.
Photos are numbered continuously for every location (01 to 99); this means that sequential photos were taken close to each other in space. For every location, case studies of building damage (H photos) are further grouped together with an identifying character behind an underscore space (_).
e.g. 'DH01_A.jpg' contains a photo taken in Dernau (D), showing building damage (H) and belonging to case study A.
2. Georeferenced water-levels measured at multiple locations in the Ahr valley, presented in the file Waterlevels_Data.xlsx %I 4TU.ResearchData