%0 Generic %A Arora, Sonakshi %A Bauer, Thomas %A Barczyk, ReneĢ %A Verhagen, Ewold %A Kuipers, L. (Kobus) %D 2023 %T Data underlying the publication and chapter 3: Breakdown of spin-to-helicity locking at the nanoscale in topological photonic crystal edge states %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/_/18779327 %R 10.4121/18779327.v1 %K Spin density maps %K dispersion relation %K SNOM tip %K silicon-on-insulator waveguide structure %K topological waveguides %X <p>We measure the local near-field spin in topological edge state waveguides that emulate the quantum spin Hall effect. We reveal a highly structured spin density distribution that is not linked to a unique pseudospin value. From experimental near-field real-space maps and numerical calculations, we confirm that this local structure is essential in understanding the properties of optical edge states and light-matter interactions. The global spin is reduced by a factor of 30 in the near field and, for certain frequencies, flipped compared to the pseudospin measured in the far field. We experimentally reveal the influence of higher-order Bloch harmonics in spin inhomogeneity, leading to a breakdown in the coupling between local helicity and global spin.</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData