%0 Generic
%A Eikelboom, J.A.J. (Jasper)
%D 2020
%T Inferring an animal's environment through biologging: quantifying the environmental contribution to animal movement
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Inferring_an_animal_s_environment_through_biologging_quantifying_the_environmental_contribution_to_animal_movement/12717809/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:e552fe57-ab4f-4e31-83e3-82e1cbc06a70
%K Behaviour classification
%K Collective movement
%K Cows
%K Foraging
%K Group dynamics
%K Lactation
%K Machine learning
%K Random forest regression
%K Resource availability
%K Support vector machine
%X GPS and accelerometer sensor data from cows used in a data-driven analytic framework to quantify the environmental contribution to animal movement
%I 4TU.Centre for Research Data